“To develop applied marketing management science that excels at the international level.”


  1. Organize education and teaching based on Link and Match with the industrial world in the field of marketing management.
  2. Conduct applied study and research activities in the field of marketing management.
  3. Carry out service and community service activities in marketing management.


  1. Produce Associate Expert graduates in marketing management who are intelligent, competitive, and internationally recognized.
  2. Generate scientific studies, applied research, and publications in marketing management.
  3. Engage in community service activities and partnerships to help solve marketing challenges.


Graduates will be capable of:

  • Identifying key elements of a company and carrying out effective communication.
  • Designing business strategies and approaching potential customers.
  • Implementing sales skills and planning sales activities, including supervising sales efforts.
  • Realizing customer satisfaction and handling complaints effectively.
  • Planning and conducting research on the effectiveness of promotional activities.
  • Processing research data and executing promotional events.
  • Becoming entrepreneurs with strong marketing knowledge.


Graduates will acquire skills in:

  1. Selling Skills
  2. Entrepreneurship
  3. Communication Skills
  4. Digital Marketing
  5. Creative Economy and Marketing Practices


Graduates have broad career opportunities in:

  1. Marketing Officer
  2. Sales Executive
  3. Promotion Officer
  4. Entrepreneurship
  5. Digital Marketer


  1. English with ELTI
  2. Service Operations with Markplus


Graduates will be able to:

  • Handle managerial and practical work in marketing.
  • Manage sales activities, including Business-to-Customer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) sales.
  • Manage retail operations and practice online and international marketing.
  • Process data accurately and communicate effectively in both Indonesian and English, orally and in writing.
  • Manage information and communication to support marketing activities.
  • Have an entrepreneurial mindset.


Graduates can pursue careers in various industries, including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Trade
  • Government Institutions
  • Self-Employment (Entrepreneurship)


Based on the decision of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education:
Number: 1241/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/Dipl-III/V/2018
The D3 Marketing Management Study Program is ACCREDITED B with a score of 346.

Lecturer of Applied Bachelor of Digital Business

  • Ade Yusdira, SE., MM.

  • Denta Purnama, SE., MM.

  • Dr. Adil Fadillah, SE., MM

  • Dr. Hj. Yulia Nurendah, SE., MM.

  • H. Weman Suardy, SE., MM.

  • Morita, SS., MPBI

  • TB. Dicky Faldy SN, SE, MH., MM.