Developing financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems based on technology at the international level”


  1. Organize quality education and teaching processes in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems in accordance with national and international quality standards.
  2. Conduct studies, research, and produce products with intellectual economic value in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems at the national and international levels.
  3. Implement community service activities in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems to promote welfare at the national and international levels.


  1. Produce human resources proficient in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems.
  2. Produce graduates with strong character, intelligence, and global competitiveness.
  3. Generate scientific studies and research that enhance the quality of the learning process and the application of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems, benefiting society at the national and international levels.
  4. Produce scientific publications and intellectual works in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems that are impactful at the national and international levels.
  5. Implement community service activities and community empowerment programs in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems at the national and international levels.
  6. Expand collaborative networks in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems to enhance the competitiveness and reputation of IBI Kesatuan both nationally and internationally.
  7. Achieve optimal effectiveness and efficiency in the management of educational facilities and infrastructure in the fields of financial accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems.


Graduate Profile Graduate Profile Description Graduate Competencies
Company Accountant A Bachelor of Accounting graduate with a comprehensive understanding of accounting principles, financial reporting based on IFRS, and financial analysis to support strategic decision-making. Additionally, the graduate possesses skills in preparing financial statements in compliance with international accounting standards (IFRS) and implementing internal controls to ensure the integrity of financial data. Furthermore, they are capable of formulating financial policies that promote corporate growth, ensuring compliance with applicable regulations, and optimizing operational efficiency through effective budgeting and financial management. 1. Graduates are able to prepare financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) using technology-based tools and implementing good corporate governance.
2. Graduates are proficient in preparing corporate tax reports in compliance with applicable tax regulations.
3. Graduates are able to analyze financial information and present it effectively to support decision-making processes.
Accounting Information Systems Analyst A Bachelor of Accounting graduate with expertise in integrating information technology with accounting processes to support business decision-making, possessing a deep understanding of accounting concepts, and the ability to design, develop, and manage accurate, efficient, and secure information systems. With strong analytical skills, an accounting information systems analyst identifies business needs, designs technology-based solutions, ensures compliance with applicable regulations, enhances operational efficiency, and supports improved financial reporting. 1. Graduates are capable of designing, developing, and managing accounting information systems and integrating them with information technology.
2. Graduates are proficient in analyzing accounting information systems to meet business needs and designing technology-based accounting system solutions.
Independent Auditor A Bachelor of Accounting graduate with expertise in conducting audits and evaluations of financial statements and corporate internal control systems. They possess a thorough understanding of applicable auditing standards and financial regulations and are capable of identifying risks, detecting errors or fraud, and providing recommendations for improvements to enhance transparency and compliance. With strong analytical skills and attention to detail, they ensure that financial statements are presented accurately, reliably, and in accordance with applicable accounting principles, thereby supporting good corporate governance. 1. Graduates are capable of conducting audits in accordance with auditing standards and financial regulations, as well as performing evaluations of financial statements.
2. Graduates are proficient in identifying corporate internal control systems and detecting risks, errors, and fraud in financial statements.
Management Accountant A Bachelor of Accounting graduate with the ability to process and analyze financial information to support strategic decision-making within a company. They possess expertise in budgeting, cost analysis, financial control, and business performance evaluation. Based on these competencies, management accountants can assist management in formulating efficient business strategies, enhancing profitability, and optimizing resource management. Additionally, they are capable of preparing relevant performance reports for long-term planning and identifying opportunities for operational improvement. 1. Graduates are capable of processing and analyzing financial information as a basis for business decision-making.
2. Graduates are proficient in preparing budgets, implementing financial controls, and evaluating business performance.
Government Accountant A Bachelor of Accounting graduate with expertise in managing and overseeing public finances, ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance with applicable regulations. They are skilled in preparing government financial statements, conducting internal audits, and managing budgets and expenditures in alignment with fiscal policies. With a strong understanding of public sector accounting, government accountants play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and responsible use of public funds while supporting the formulation of sustainable financial policies for the welfare of society. 1. Graduates are capable of recording and presenting government financial statements.
2. Graduates are proficient in managing and supervising public finances in compliance with applicable regulations.
Government Auditor A Bachelor of Accounting graduate with expertise in auditing financial statements and the performance of government institutions to ensure accountability, transparency, and compliance with applicable regulations. They are skilled in identifying risks, evaluating budget management, and ensuring the effective and efficient use of public funds. With a deep understanding of public sector accounting and government auditing standards, government auditors play a vital role in supporting good governance, preventing mismanagement, and providing recommendations to enhance the quality of public financial management. 1. Graduates are capable of reporting audits on financial statements and the performance of government institutions to ensure accountability, transparency, and compliance with applicable regulations.
2. Graduates are proficient in identifying risks, evaluating budget management, and ensuring that budgets are utilized effectively and efficiently.


The Accounting Bachelor Program, Faculty of Business, Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Kesatuan, offers several key advantages:

  1. Accredited with an “A” rating (the highest accreditation level) since 2014.
  2. Equipped with facilities and infrastructure that support the learning process, including comfortable classrooms, supporting laboratories (accounting, language, and computer), student organizations, student activity units, a health unit, and a counseling unit.
  3. Faculty members consist of both academics and practitioners with expertise in their respective fields (such as public accounting firm auditors, government auditors, corporate accountants, tax consultants, and more).
  4. The only campus in the Bogor area affiliated with the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants.
  5. Collaborates with national and multinational companies as well as international institutions to provide internship opportunities for students.
  6. Establishes partnerships with various universities, both domestic and international, to support the student learning process.


During the learning process in the Bachelor of Accounting Program, students will obtain competency certifications and workshops, namely:

  1. Certification in Accounting Finance and Business (CAFB) in collaboration with the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants;
  2. Risk-based audit workshop in collaboration with the Institute of Certified Public Accountants;
  3. Tax E-SPT Workshop in collaboration with PT. Edu Cipta Solutions.


No. Name NIDN/NIDK Academic Rank
1 Abdul Roup, SE., M.Ak., CCNSP. 0415118305 Assistant Professor
2 Airin Nuraini, SE., M.Si. 0409108402 Assistant Professor
3 Amrulloh, SE., M.Si., CTA 0415107701 Assistant Professor
4 Desi Efrianti, SE., M.Ak., CAAT 0420128002 Assistant Professor
5 Dessy Evianti, SE., M.Ak. 0426127403 Assistant Professor
6 Dr. Dewi Sarifah Tullah, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA. 0420108103 Assistant Professor
7 Hadi Sutomo, SE., M.Ak., BKP. 0417118005 Assistant Professor
8 Dr. H. Hendra Setiawan, SE., MM., CMA., CIBA., PFM., CBV., CSRS. 0424096504 Assistant Professor
9 Heti Herawati, SE., M.Ak., CA 0426107502 Assistant Professor
10 I Gede Sudi Adnyana, SE., MBA, CSFA, ERMCP, CSRA, CGAP, CA., Ak. 8851190018 Assistant Professor
11 Iwan Purwanto Sudjali, S.E., M.Bus. (Acc), Ph.D., Ak. 8982050022 Assistant Professor
12 Kusuma Dewi, S.Akun., BKP., M.Ak., CAAT 0416069302 Assistant Professor
13 Muanas, SE., MM., CA 0429116001 Assistant Professor
14 Nilda Tartilla, SE., M.Ak., CTA 0428099103 Assistant Professor
15 Richad Alamsyah, SE., M.Ak., CSA®, CRMO, CFP®, CRMP 0403129102 Assistant Professor
16 Dr. Nusa Muktiadji, Ir., MM. 8917870023 Assistant Professor
17 Sudradjat, SE., M.Ak., Ak., CA 0419037710 Assistant Professor
18 Dr. Sutarti, SE., MM., SAS. 0405117501 Associate Professor
19 Suwarno, S.E., M.Ak, Ak, CA, C.FrA, Asean CPA, CIS 8971120021 Assistant Professor
20 Tjokorda Gde Budi Kusuma, S.T., M.Si., M.Int.Dev.E 8831190018 Assistant Professor
21 Hj. Tri Marlina, SE., M.Ak., CAAT 0403036301 Assistant Professor
22 Udi Pramiudi, SE., M.Ak, CIIQA, CAAT 0418077504 Assistant Professor
23 Wulan Wahyuni Rossa Putri, S.Pd., M.Ak., CAAT 0418018404 Assistant Professor
24 Yuliandi, SE., M.Ak., BKP 0422077503 Assistant Professor