“To advance applied financial accounting and taxation science to excel at the international level.”


  1. Implement a Link-and-Match-based education and teaching process in financial accounting and taxation.
  2. Conduct applied research and study activities in financial accounting and taxation.
  3. Establish partnerships and provide community service in the field of financial accounting and taxation.


  1. Produce highly skilled and globally competitive associate experts in financial accounting and taxation.
  2. Generate applied research, studies, and publications in financial accounting and taxation that benefit the community.
  3. Develop partnerships and community service initiatives in financial accounting and taxation.


Graduates will be equipped to:

  • Prepare financial statements for service, trade, and manufacturing companies.
  • Complete tax reports and fulfill tax return obligations.
  • Operate accounting software and utilize number-processing tools to present and analyze management information.


Graduates will gain proficiency in:

  1. Introduction to Accounting I & II
  2. Financial Accounting I & II
  3. Advanced Financial Accounting
  4. Public Sector Accounting
  5. Introduction to Taxes
  6. Taxation
  7. Tax Accounting
  8. Advanced Taxation
  9. Computerized Accounting (Software: Accurate, MYOB, and Excel for Accounting)


Graduates of the D3 Accounting Program have diverse career opportunities, including roles as:

  • Accounting Officers
  • Finance Officers
  • Tax Officers
  • Civil Servants specializing in Accounting and Finance

Lecturer of Bachelor of Applied Accounting in Digital

  • Arief Fahmie, SE., MM.

  • Iis Wahyuni, SE., M.Ak.

  • Jasma Deti, SE., M.Ak.

  • Siti Ita Rosita, SE., MM., SAS.

  • Triandi, Ak., M.Ak., CA.

  • Yayuk Nurjanah, SE., M.Ak.