Prof. Dr. Bambang Pamungkas, Ak,. MBA, CA, CPA, CPA (Aust), ASEAN CPA, CIMBA, CSFA, CFrA,
Prof. Dr. Bambang Pamungkas, Ak,. MBA, CA, CPA, CPA (Aust), ASEAN CPA, CIMBA, CSFA, CFrA,
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh, Shalom, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, and Greetings of Virtue.
The Kesatuan Institute of Business and Informatics (IBI Kesatuan) was established to support Indonesia’s national education goals, as stated in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution: to educate the nation’s life. IBI Kesatuan has shaped me to appreciate diverse ideas presented by its active, critical, and creative academic community. IBI Kesatuan has also taught me that knowledge and education are the best tools to build a bridge toward a better and more meaningful life.
Information technology is the backbone of the future. With business increasingly disrupted by digital frameworks, IBI Kesatuan focuses on digital transformation. Therefore, IBI Kesatuan prepares its graduates to compete in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Automation and digitalization will influence work processes, requiring shifts in job competencies. IBI Kesatuan offers technology-based education with comprehensive facilities, aligned with graduate profiles developed through partnerships with industries and professional organizations.
One of my initiatives is to create the most ideal and effective learning system. A combination of online and classical learning methods at IBI Kesatuan will provide maximum benefits for students and lecturers.
The vision and mission of IBI Kesatuan to become a research-driven institution offering high-quality education and teaching should be realized through teaching, research, community service, studies, and intellectual products with economic value tailored to societal needs.
We welcome feedback and suggestions to advance knowledge and our institution. May the information on this site provide clarity and guidance in making decisions for your future.